Where is logic when you need it?
Where is destiny when you want it in your favor?
The flights are off, my phone is dry,
Out of all the times, and out of all the places on Earth,
And out of all the ways I could have come across you ever,
We were handed the most improbable set of circumstances,
But still we flourished,
And now reality is seeping in,
Maybe it’s not as brutal as it seems,
Or maybe I’ve just blinded myself to it,
They say what’s meant for you will stay,
But is that how it works?
How do we explain two people falling apart after years together then?
Once they find it, why would they cast it away?
How do two people fall out of love?
How do they not understand it, bloom in it, choose it over and over again?
How do they throw away each other?
When they say “I do”,
Do they just mean “I’ll try my best”?
Is the world all wrong then,
Or is it me who’s messed up for seeking true love?


Insane Little Brunette


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