26 JULY 2017

Good Morning !

This is what I did after waking up today. 

I got up, set my bed and arranged my pillows properly and straightened out my bedsheet. (I rarely set my bed after waking up and I am happy I did this).

For anyone who thinks I'm the tidy-room kinda person, I AM NOT LMAOOOO.

My room is usually a little messy. All my accesories are in one place. I get clean and dry clothes from the laundry and they're either in a mess in my wardrobe or they're all on my bed and whatever I need to wear, I just take that out, iron it and wear it. 

Well, we are going to change that now. I AM TIRED OF A MESSY BEDOOM. 


So, anyway, brushed my teeth, washed my face, combed my hair.

Then put a bedsheet on my bed and did yoga.

Stretching exercises. I put on Janelle Monae's "Yoga" (no matter what, this song ALWAYS INSPIRES ME TO BEND IT (YEA GIRLLLL!!!! YOU GOT THIS). 

And now I am charged up and ready for the day. Let's make it a good one, I've been sleeping way too much the past two days and doing nothing lmao. 


Insane Little Brunette. 


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