
So now I am studying for the last exam because I ACTUALLY WANT TO (who knows, I might not want to later. Imma do what I want, when I want.)

So anyway, I am studying for my last exam and I am trying to understand what's actually happening and if this can, in any subtle way, give me an insight about my life; INSTEAD OF JUST CRAMMING LIKE A DUMB B*TCH. 

I was going through my study notes and amidst all the "Principles of Screening"  and "A test's validity"; I came across something I'd written a long time ago. 

"She exploded."

Omg I can't believe I wrote that. 

This is me. And this is proof that I'm alive. Exploding into stars, glitter and flowers as I live.

I'm still pretty young lmao but I think I have spent a major part of my life living how others think I should live or by the conditioning of people, living how I think I should live.

But we're done. I'm not just gonna do that and allow life to push me into any lane it wishes. 

I will choose lanes. I will make lanes. And hopefully ones that aren't too crowded with ordinary people, who make me feel suffocated just by standing near them. 

Y'all so I'm just doing the definition of something called "Immunoglobulin" and look at this omg.

"A large Y-shaped protein produced by plasma cells that is used by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects like bacteria and viruses."

Ahhh, ok.

In other words, it's a Bullsh*t Detector. 


Later I'm going to make peach yoghurt and tomato smoothie and add litchies. I've never tried it before. And then Imma have a banana and some bread with chicken(ok burger AHAHAH ;) ). I'm taking care of myself because I never do that during exams and since I am a very beautiful person, this is a very important thing for me


"Just wait, everything will be ok,
Even when you're feeling like it's going down in flames.
People like us, we've gotta stick together,
Keep your head up, nothing lasts forever" 

I'll repeat the last line because it's my favorite line in the entire song.

"Keep your head up, nothing lasts forever".


Insane Little Brunette 

[BG MUSIC - "PEOPLE LIKE US", Kelly Clarkson]


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