Like, there are some people I talk to daily because they're really close friends of mine but if they're online and don't reply the entire day, I feel a little disconnected.
Like, I tell myself that maybe they're just really busy, but A WHOLE DAY??? Like, can you not message me something like, "Hey I really appreciate having you in my life and I don't want you to think I'm ignoring you but I'm a little caught up today so I shall write to you tomorrow, ok? Hope you're doing well today. :)"
Ok I just read what I wrote and maybe it is a little extra but read the message and you can clearly understand what I'm feeling.
Like, if I feel people or even friends ignoring me (even though they're not IDK ITS SO ANNOYING WHEN PEOPLE DONT COMMUNICATE CLEARLY), quotes like the one below come into my mind.
"Don't be afraid to remind people who the f*** you are in case they start getting too comfortable" (Credit:Twitter)
(If I think like this every time someone doesn't talk to me, I'm going to lose all of them lmao)
Idk lol. It may be because of the fact that I really don't make a lot of friends easily so when I do make good ones, I get possessive and over-protective and insecure.
This is stupid. No matter what, I don't think I want to be the girl who is attached to her friends. I want to be that strong, secure person who appreciates people but also knows that people have their own lives and not everyone can respond all the time.
I'm still learning security in relationships 💛 And doing it myself is amazing but I sometimes find myself wishing that there really was someone who was never ever too busy for me, no matter what. Like, even if he was idk in an important meeting, he'd be like, "Hold on please, this call is important".
And then he'd tell me and I'd obviously understand. But, I'd be happy. I'd feel secure because even though I can take care of my insecurities myself, he is helping me out too.
And that would make me want to be MORE SECURE, see ?
People suck lmao. Especially the ones who don't communicate well and I have to do all the understanding all the time wtf.
Love always,
Insane Little Brunette.
Be secure be secure be secure be secure be secure be secure be secure be secure be secure be secure be secure be secure be secure be secure be secure B.E. S.E.C.U.R.E. ]
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