I just texted something embarrassing and hilarious to one of my closest friends (in like 10 texts) and he was online but he didn't reply, although he was talking to me before that.

Takes a deep breath.

I'm going to tell myself that I don't know what he is doing right now or where he is. I am going to practice giving him space.

I am going to understand him and trust him. I am not going to let crazy thoughts like "So that's it?? You don't want to talk to me??" ruin a really good friendship.

But I'm not going to practice staring at my phone miserably with those crazy thoughts running in my mind.

I'm not going to be OVER-AVAILABLE all the time. People get tired, no matter what your relationship is with them.

I am going to be secure. I am going to be happy. I am going to do what I'm supposed to do.

~Insane Little Brunette, trying to understand inner peace.


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