1 am.

She is beautiful but that doesn't mean that I am not.

He loves her and someone else loves someone else idk, but it doesn't mean that no one will ever love me or that I won't ever be good or worthy enough. And it's ok to have feelings for him even though he has a girlfriend.

It's ok to support them one moment and find yourself wishing that he liked you, the next.

It's ok to not know if you legit have feelings for him or if you just want to talk to him all the time.

It's ok to focus on your goals and tell yourself not to think about him.

It's ok if you take time to do that.

It's ok to hope that maybe he really wants to talk to you too.

It's ok to think that maybe he has feelings for you too.

It's ok to not be sure.

It's ok to question why the hell are you stuck up on a guy who has a girlfriend instead of just focussing on making yourself better.

It's ok to feel like you want to hug him a lot or idk just hold him and give him lots of kisses on the cheek.

It's ok to decide that maybe he really isn't the right fit for you and hope that you can be a good friend and wish the best for him and his girlfriend's happiness. 

It's ok to want to be with him.

It's ok to not want to be with him.

It's ok to love him.

It's ok to forget him. Or cut him off in order to forget him.

It's ok to not feel worthy if he doesn't love you.

It's ok to feel that you deserve more than just him. And you're more worthy. Like, crazy-worthy.

It's ok to give yourself permission to feel.

It's ok to feel.

It's all ok. 

Go ahead and feel. Accept it.

And then choose your way from there. 


Insane Little Brunette.


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