Friends who double-text me all the time. And show me how much they want me in their life. 

Y'ALL. KEEP. WINNING. I can't even describe how much I like and appreciate that gesture. (I do the same, ofc) 

For example, a friend of mine lives in Germany and my time zone is ahead of her so last night she sent me 3 messages, the last one ending in Gute Nacht (goodnight).

I didn't view them, although I got the notifications. I was tired and had a lot going on my mind, so I just slept. Without wishing her goodnight. 

This morning I woke up and STILL didn't view her last-night messages. I didn't view any of my messages , because my life felt as if it was going haywire, my thoughts were everywhere and I needed to get a grip on myself.

This afternoon (morning in Germany) she sent me a text saying "Guten Morgen :) ".

Knowing that I hadn't responded OR VIEWED the messages she sent last evening. 



And realised instantly that she was the only person I wished to talk to at the moment 'cause I didn't have anyone who I wanted to talk to around me at that time, leaving me alone with my miserable thoughts. 

And so I wrote all my frustrations out to her and told her I wanted to hug her and told her that all this distance sucked.

Distance sucks y'all. Unless you're rich, of course. 
It legit sucks.

Everybody I legit love is far away. ♥️

Even me and my future lover, whoever he is lol. We far away AF.

Love you, Hun. I'm with you wherever and however you are right now.

~~Insane Little Brunette. 


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