"I'm going down my road and I know I can make it alone
I'll work and I'll fight till I find a place of my own."
~ Madonna, Jump.
I woke up with a huge amount of love for myself.
Like, I don't think I've woken up like this before.
It was as if the pillow was my life and I was hugging it. Tight.
I was still half-asleep.
But something inside me was talking to me in my half awake state of mind.
It said , "This is your life. And you are the most important person in your life.
Stop worrying about others. You are the only person who's actually going to do something meaningful. Something that matters. Something that can and will change your life.
Everybody else is just existing . They will come. They will go. No matter how hard it is to see that fact right now, know that life changes all the time. And it will change again.
I want you to build a very strong empire for yourself. Only you live in that empire. That empire is your protection from all the crazy things life throws at you.
An empire of inner strength. An empire where you don't depend on anybody. An empire where you find peace within you.
An empire so strong that no man will ever dare touch it.
They cannot touch it because it is a secret empire. They know it's there, but they will never find it.
Because it's somewhere inside you. There is a universe inside you.
And the empire lies inside that universe."
Queen at work.
Insane Little Brunette.
[ BG music - "Jump" by Madonna.
Life's gonna drop you down like the limbs of a tree
It sways and it swings and it bends until it makes you see.]
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